if Blogger has hurt feelings that Facebook has made it obsolete? I imagine that I am not the only one who hasn't posted on her blog in months. And truly, when I went to type in a clever title here as I am so apt to do, I typed in the words automatically assuming that everyone would know the words "Brandy Cumby is" are meant to precede whatever it was I was to insert next. As the theme song to Cheers testifies, I want to go where everybody knows my name. And they're always glad I came. Unfortch, no one on the planet Blogger knows me or is waiting for me, but on Facebook everyone is waiting to hear about what I had for breakfast or what my witty thought for the day is. Or so I would like to believe.
All this to say, hello Bloggers, if you are still out there. Just checking in. Enjoy a picture from last week...it is old news in the FB world...