Thursday, May 15, 2008

Yay to be Gay!!!... in CA anyway


I just wanted to give a high five to the peeps of California who today righted a wrong by allowing gay marriage in their state. Get it while you can, because it sounds like in November there's a chance it will be up for debate again with a ballot measure. And heaven knows, there is a huge pocket of people who will fight so hard to take this right away. People protecting the sanctity of marriage, many of whom are divorced themselves. I've said it before, homosexuals don't destroy marriage, heterosexuals who divorce at a rate of 50% do. Now, at least in CA, everyone can destroy the oh-so sacred sacrement of marriage together!

I know this isn't popular and I know that some of you have already stopped reading this. But I feel a passion about this issue and the gay and lesbian community because I can see how easy and acceptable it is to treat them like second class citizens and it burns me up, the same way I feel when people persecute others for any reason. If two people love each other and are dedicated to each other, well yay because love is good wherever you can get it. And don't be mistaken, "civil unions" are straight out of the "separate but equal" playbook, and we know how well that initiative went. No one's making your church do them or rewriting your precious religious texts. It's government, plain and simple, and it's meant to cover everyone, not just Christians or any specific religious group despite what some may think. If you don't like it, fabulous. It doesn't affect your marriage if Joe and Jim down the block are taxed the same way you are or if Susie and Sally have a certificate like yours. So mind yours, and let this community mind theirs, now fairly allowed the same rights.

Good job, CA! I won't hold my breath for Texas though...


Kache said...

Hoping it lasts...

Anonymous said...

You said it best--my feelings exactly.

Erika said...

Rock it out!!!!!!!!!!