Yay! My masterpiece is complete. I stopped by Mad Potter on the way to Heather's for the Superbowl to pick up all of our stuff. It was supposed to be done after 5 yesterday but today they told me Heather's wouldn't be done until Tuesday or Wednesday - what crud. We have officially put Mad Potter on our "To boycott" list and will always go to Mudpies in Kingwood instead.
Mine was done and wouldn't you know I only had to glance at the rack to find my stellar thing. I put the book in the photo because a lot of people still don't seem to know who Blue Dog is:
did you have the picture with you when you painted him?? he's awesome!
rofl- even though I saw it in person, I still am cracking up to look at him. The camo/blue dog pig! SO cool!
I did bring the pic in with, needed to have a path to follow...
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