Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Father's Day

People ask why I want to teach English, and a big part of it is the fact that I get soooo annoyed with people screwing up grammar, using improper forms of a word, etc. How much fun do you think I had when I went to Kroger's to buy food for the Father's Day feasts (BBQ sandwiches, whoo hoo) and saw piles of misspelled cookie cakes? Row after row, these brightly painted montages of sugar and sentiment screamed out "Made for you by idiots." I ponder now on how my father would have felt having paid for my college education only to receive a cake like this...
your a perfect
By the way, LOVE that I took that on my cell and could email it to myself to quickly get it on here. That's technology at its best.

Last night I stayed up until about two in the morning throwing this bad boy together for Jason. I depend on Dylan to serve as an alarm clock, and so I expected to get up today around seven to prepare breakfast in bed (as in go to Jack in the box, get a #15 and place it on a tray next to a flower in a small vase). Guess who woke me up at 9am?! Yes, the tray was handed to my husband in the kitchen since we were all up by the time Dylan was awake, but it is the thought that counts.
2006-06-17 Fathers Giftjpg


Kache said...

My first thought was you had made this cake yourself and I was embarassed for you...I should have known better. "YOUR" a teacher.

amy said...

I thought the exact same thing as Krystn!!
I was an English major and it drives me crazy when the boys bring home papers from teachers with all sorts of mistakes!! Roman, who is a huge Laker fan, has known how to spell Los Angeles since he was 4. In 2nd grade, he brought home his monthly journal, complete with teacher's corrections. He had spelled L.A. correctly and she corrected it- INcorrectly!!! I resisted the urge to pick up the phone and, instead, sat Roman down for a lesson from Mom. Hooray for you- you'll make a fantastic teacher!

shannon said...

lol.. rystn!
bad grammer kills me. but i suck at punctuation. go figure.. my mom's an english teacher. maybe i revolted! ;)
love the banner!

Breana said...

you may not want to be my friend anymore, b/c I suck BAD with grammar and spelling and punctuation! SORRY! you still like me right? LOL!

Unknown said...

Your/You're is my biggest pet peeve. Also, around graduation, people actually putting "congradulations" on their signs. I'm sure it's supposed to be funny, but it annoys the crap out of me.

Jaime said...

Love the frame with Dylan! I get totally annoyed with grammatical errors also, but I'm no grammar guru. Most of the time I'm wrong! lol. Love your new banner at the top.