Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Buck Stops Here

These are really lame guys, these taggings on comments. Almost as bad as "hot females want you tonight" spam in my inbox. Ugh. I will do it, but I will not like it.

I was tagged...

So this is how it works. I must post the rules, 7 random things about me and then tag others to do the same. Sound fair enough, right? These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment. Except I won't do that because I am nicer than that. Or cooler than that, dunno which.

1. My hobbies include binge eating and television watching, sometimes (or quite often)together. I went to the gym today, I earned it.

2. According to family stories, my grandfather remembers seeing his wife at family reunions all the time when he was younger. Think about that for a second. I do not come from that part of the bloodline however. I don't think they are blood related either, but you know it is just fun to think about. Oh, did I mention we are from Louisiana. Maybe I should have started with that.

3. I love conspiracy theories. I love watching little films on youtube like "Loose Change" and knowing that I am smarter than everyone else for knowing the whole thing was orchestrated by the government. Whether it is true or not. Probably not. Don't get me started on how the government is keeping us all down. I expect to be vaporized for even mentioning any of this.

4. If I was rich, I might become a permanent student of English. I love reading books and uncovering all the patterns and themes and stuff. It makes me feel smart and deep. However, I have so far this summer spent more time reading about what Paris ate in prison. That does not make me feel smart.

5. I am hilarious and deserve a role in the world of comedy. However, I fear rejection and that is pretty much the name of the game there. What would I like to do? I would love to write sitcoms or something or live the life of Tina Fey. My plan for Dylan is to send him to school at the Improv so that he can leave home at 18 to become a comedian. Or a rockstar

6. Dylan just sat next to me and gave me the biggest hug voluntarily. I like that.

7. I really want to win the lottery. I haven't played since I read in 1984 that it is a tax on the stupid because, well, that makes me stupid. Which makes me smart for not playing (and being on to the government's conspiracy against us - have you ever met a lotto winner, probably not). But still not rich.

I bet you all feel like you know me oh-so-much better now...


shannon said...

i so binge while watching tv too! and i so justify it with exercise!

angelina said...

You are funny girl! Go for it. Enlighten me on a few of you conspiracy theories. I love to hear them.

Jaime said...

Food and tv MUST go hand in hand. I'd love to hear 100 random things about you, there's so much depth do you that I think it would take me that much to really know you! But I do know you ROCK!!! Thanks again for the invites!

Heather said...

you and your conspiracy theories... you were supposed to get a little deeper than that- I know nothing new about you I didn't already know...

Kache said...

You are so popular.

I might have to tag you in every comment now.

Gotta buy a lottery ticket, thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

I haven't bought a lottery ticket since I heard that "tax on stupid" quote either! I don't remember what year it was though... in the 90's sometime...
