Sunday, June 08, 2008

My kid is 3

And he is amazing.

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We had a weekend of celebrating this boy and while I am certain he had a frickin blast, I am uber glad it is over. I just get so worked up over all the details, about making sure people can come, making sure they have a good time, making sure about this and that. And I wasn't super impressed with the Little Gym we did it at, so I was just a bundle of anxiety. I tried to ignore the cake that melted, the fact that they only served water (really, not even like gatorade?!), all the stuff that was glaringly not right to me and focus on the really cool people we have in our lives. There are the families we see all the time and the ones we literally only get to see for birthdays, but I dig them all. My favorite quote of the day came from Rachelle's little lady, Maddi. I asked if she liked the cake and she answered, "Yes, I do. You really should try it" like a perfect lady. I know she's not since her mama has told me the things she has said that were less savory, and that made it twice as cute.

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2008-06-07 Dylans 3rd 047

Today we had a pool party over at Jason's Aunt Dolores' as a sort of happy summer and happy birthday party for Dylan and his cousin Annie Rose. More cake, more presents. And then we got to come home, play with presents and finally rest.

This week will probably be the closing on the new house. We were supposed to technically finish before 6/15, but it will be 6/9 tomorrow and I don't know if that gives all parties involved and the title company enough time. We are starting to get super anxious and just want to start ripping bathrooms and paneling out already!! Will update all as soon as we know more!


Erika said...

He is such a cute little "man". Glad it all turned out good!

Heather said...

keeping fingers crossed!!!

ellen s. said...

what a cutie!!!

Laura Vigliarolo said...

He is so freakin cute!!!! Good luck on the house!!!!1

Anonymous said...

wow, how can it be that he is three already!!! Happy belated birthday Dylan