Thursday, April 20, 2006

Breaking News: Target still sucks

Couldn't even hold up my side of the grudge, and was repaid for that. I went to the same awful one and they still don't have size four diapers in the box. They had moved all the Pampers to their place as if to say "We know we aren't keeping our stuff in stock, but try these $7 more a box ones instead." I said something to the woman working the department about when they would get more and she said they come in all the time. I said, really because I came here Monday and there were none and here it is Thursday and you've moved the Pampers there as if you've given up on ever stocking them. She said they do that so it doesn't look empty and I said, you mean it would like you are out. Oh, wait you are. At least they got the little packs in, so I grabbed 4 of those and the girl left to cut on herself for having to deal with me. To my credit, I did at least preface my statements by saying "I know it isn't your fault but..." I am sure that helped brighten her day. Maybe it kept her cuts smaller and not so deep


Unknown said...

Well, I guess you've learned your lesson! ;) Glad you at least got some diapers, though....

Kache said...

I hope the salesgirl's therapy bills aren't too high ;)

Jaime said...

Remind me not to cross you on a bad day! :)